Equine & Canine
Sports Therapy
McTimoney for Horses
The increasing demands of equestrian sport are pushing the equine athlete to the extremes of its physiological limits. Regular McTimoney chiropractic treatments are one of the best ways you can support your horse to work at their best.
All equines whether elite competition animals or happy hackers are likely to have musculoskeletal problems at some time. The more we ask of our horses, the more likely they are to have issues. In addition to this, acute issues may arise from slipping, tripping, falling or just being a little overzealous whilst playing in the field. Chronic longer-term issues may arise as a result of ill fitting tack (previous or current), hoof imbalance, dental issues, conformational stresses and rider imbalances.
What to look out for:
Asymmetries such as stiffness on one rein or disunited canter
Unexplained deterioration in usual performance
Lack of impulsion, struggling to work through from behind, unwillingness to go forward, not covering the ground.
Refusing at jumps, frequently knocking jumps down, struggling with combinations or spreads
Rushing into canter, bunny hopping, going disunited, striking off incorrectly
Sore or cold backed
Napping, rearing, bucking or other unexplained resistance
Uneven muscle development
Stiff or unlevel
Behavioural changes
Uneven shoe wear, frequently losing the same shoe
Saddle slipping to one side