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About McTimoney

McTimoney is a form of chiropractic manipulation named after John McTimoney, a chiropractor who trained under Dr Mary Walker, a pioneer in the field.  John went on to develop his own methods and treatments in the 1950’s in what became known as McTimoney Method Chiropractic. John initially developed the technique on humans and later adapted it for use on animals and is believed to be the first chiropractor to do so. You can read more about John at the McTimoney website

McTimoney is a gentle, non-invasive, whole body treatment that helps to realign and balance the musculoskeletal system.

Every joint in the body has a natural range of movement which enables the animal to move normally. Sometimes joints can get ‘stuck’ within this range of motion creating dysfunction. Horses and dogs have a very advanced compensatory mechanism; when dysfunction occurs, they need to keep moving. Due to the dysfunction, the animal cannot move normally resulting in muscle tension.


The spinal cord runs through the spine and nerves carrying information between the brain and the body branch out from between the vertebrae.  If the spine is not in alignment or there is muscle tension, the body’s nerve supply and often blood supply can be compromised. This is often seen as stiffness, restriction and a reduced range of motion or even discomfort and pain.

McTimoney therapists treat using the hands in a specific hand position to perform high velocity, low amplitude adjustments at specific anatomical landmarks along the spine and pelvis. This induces a therapeutic response in joint structures, muscle function and nerve reflexes which releases nerve impingements, muscle tension and discomfort thereby allowing the animal to move normally again.

Benefits of McTimoney chiropractic treatment:

  • Improved joint flexibility and range of movement

  • Increased stride length and evenness

  • Muscle elasticity increases resulting in more dynamic movement

  • Improved coordination

  • Encouraging healthy circulation

  • Relief from pain and discomfort

  • Relaxation and decreased stress levels

  • Increased rate of healing

  • A decrease in post exercise muscle soreness

  • Quicker recovery from exercise

  • Less chance of muscle strain


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